Violent Crimes

Prosecutors take an aggressive stance when prosecuting violent crimes in Fort Worth and Tarrant County, TX. You also need an aggressive criminal defense attorney to help you fight the criminal charges. A criminal accusation for a crime of violence can be particularly burdensome if you hold a professional license to work as a physician, nurse, or other health care professional, teacher or certified educator, lawyer, member of the military, or member of law enforcement.

Under Texas law, crimes of violence often involve the use of force or the threat of force against the victim. The use of force can involve striking, hitting, pushing, or shoving another person. Penalties can be enhanced for the use of force that can involve a dangerous weapon such as a firearm or knife.

Crimes of Violence Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth, Arlington, Grapevine, Keller, and Southlake, TX

Our attorneys are familiar with the violent crime divisions of local law enforcement agencies in Tarrant County, TX. Call for a consultation to discuss the charges pending against you, the penalties that accompany the charge, and important ways to fight for an outright dismissal.

Let us put our experience to work for you. Call (817) 422-5350 today to discuss your case.

Types of Violence Crimes in Tarrant County

The different types of crimes of violence commonly prosecuted in Tarrant County can include:

Crimes of Violence Additional Resources

Crime in Texas Reports in TxDPS – Visit the website for the Texas Department of Public Safety to find the annual Texas Crime Reports for violent crime rates. The goal of the Uniform Crime Reporting program is to provide reliable crime statistics related to family and non-family violence.

Find A Tarrant County Defense Attorney for Violent Crimes | Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy in Tarrant County, TX, represent clients charged with violent crimes at the Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center at 401 West Belknap in Fort Worth, Texas. Crimes of assault can involve simple assault or aggravated forms of assault involving strangulation, choking, or smothering. Assault penalties are also enhanced for certain types of vulnerable victims including law enforcement officers, emergency service personnel, the elderly over 65 years of age, and disabled adults.

Other crimes involving violence include:

  • Robbery – Crimes of robbery or aggravated robbery involve an allegation that you caused bodily injury to another person in the course of committing a theft.
  • Assault – Texas law provides for a wide range of assaultive offenses against a family member or a non-family member.
  • Aggravated Assault – Crimes for aggravated assault involve either the use of a deadly weapon or an assault causing serious bodily injury.
  • Family Violence – An assault against a family member, intimate partner, or dating partner comes with harsh penalties.

Call (817) 422-5350 today to discuss your case. We can begin your defense today.

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon FAQS

Yes, if the weapon in question can cause death or serious bodily injury it can be used to charge you as a felon. This can include Baseball bats, scissors, pellet guns, rocks, cars, heavy furniture or equipment. Do not assume that if it a non-lethal every day item used in an assault; it cannot be considered a felony.

Yes, if the weapon was used for the intent to cause fear of imminent death or bodily injury in the victims mind, then this is enough to allow the government to proceed with a felony charge against you.

Self-defense is an affirmative defense to the charge against you. Once presented it is the State’s job to disprove you claim as an excuse to the criminal charge. The State can do so by showing your response to a danger was excessive. For example, you were slapped in the face and then hit them over the head with a baseball bat, the state would argue your reaction was excessive.

Depends on the situation. Miranda rights only apply to verbal communications with the police in response to a custodial interrogation issue. The police asking basic identification questions or safety question is not interrogation. You just talking out loud is not protected. Even if there is a violation, such violation my only remove the use of the statements made in court and not the physical evidence collected.